Denver Area Detox
Opens Residential Program
Opens Residential Program
CuraWest, the Denver area’s premier medical detox center, has announced the official opening of its residential treatment program, which will be offered as a follow-up level of care at a newly remodeled, state-of-the-art facility in the Porter Medical Plaza. The residential wing, which will provide continuing care to clients who have completed detoxification, opened its doors on Feb. 2, 2023.
As part of Guardian Recovery Network, CuraWest is increasing access to effective substance use and mental health treatment, combating escalating rates of addiction and overdose in Denver, CO, and surrounding areas.
Michael Rocks, CuraWest Director of Licensing and Compliance, states, “Accessible treatment is crucial to residents of Denver and surrounding areas because it helps to ensure that individuals in need of care can access the resources they need to achieve and maintain recovery.”
The 2019 Colorado Health Access Survey (CHAS) found that between 2017 and 2018, 11.9% of Colorado residents aged 18 and older reported a substance use disorder in the past year — a number significantly higher than the national rate of 7.7%.
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The 2019 CHAS also reported over 95,000 Coloradans over 18 (2.3%) suffering from a diagnosable substance use disorder did not receive any form of treatment.
Ongoing efforts to increase access to care is essential to addressing addiction and preventing overdose deaths.

“The Greater Denver region of Colorado, and Colorado state as a whole, has been widely recognized by behavioral health advocates and state legislators alike as experiencing a severe shortage of beds, specifically at the residential level of care,” Rocks adds. “CuraWest understands this need and is eager to provide more resources to its residents.”
Bringing an Effective Continuum of Care to Colorado Residents
The Denver Department of Public Health & Environment and Denver Human Services reports, “Drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death nationwide. The scale of the epidemic has increased the need for resources, not only for the delivery of individual services, but for the alignment, coordination, and systems development that will ensure that those services have the maximum impact.”
Our Drug & Alcohol Detox Services Include
Including a residential level of care will improve treatment outcomes, offering CuraWest clients a higher chance of life-long recovery.
Brian Tierney, Executive Director at CuraWest, says, “We are very excited to have expanded our residential programming. With the rising prevalence of substance use disorders in Colorado and across the country, there is a great need for quality addiction treatment services. We are proud to offer these services. Adding residential programming allows us to spend more time building the strong foundations necessary for the long-term success of our clients as they begin or continue their recovery journey.”
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The Importance of Continuing Care
One scientific study published by the National Library of Medicine reports, “Evidence is clear that those who transition to longer term treatment following detoxification have better outcomes, including reduced drug use, reduced HIV risk behavior, and fewer readmissions to detoxification. Despite the importance of treatment after detoxification, there is often a gap in the continuum of care.”
Once a client has been physically stabilized, they are encouraged to transition from detoxification into an inpatient program where they will continue to heal on a mental, emotional, and spiritual basis.
Rocks says, “Transitioning from medical detox into a higher level of care provides an invaluable opportunity for more comprehensive and tailored treatment plans, allowing individuals to make lasting lifestyle changes, gain a deeper understanding of their disorder, and develop the skills necessary to maintain their recovery.”
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About CuraWest Residential
The CuraWest residential program lasts between 7and 21 days, depending on the unique needs of each client. While a client is engaged in the detoxification at CuraWest, they will work with their assigned case manager to develop a personalized aftercare plan, which includes a transition into the on-site residential program, or care at a different facility.
CuraWest provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to care that emphasizes individualized treatment plans, evidence-based therapies, and holistic health practices. The CuraWest site is replete with amenities and aesthetics unique to the region and indicative of the high-quality clinical standards of Guardian Recovery Network.
“Our state-of-the-art facility, caring staff, and clinical philosophy makes participating in addiction treatment services at CuraWest a significantly more enjoyable and accessible experience for our clients and their families,” Tierney concludes. “With this expansion we are honored to have the opportunity to serve our local community in a greater capacity.”